
About Me

Well, where to begin? Let's see...I'm a MBA Graduate from Clemson University where I also received an undergraduate degree in Management with an Communications minor. I've always had a passion for writing, about sports, life, whatever (that's where the title comes from). I've written for The Tiger, Bleacher Report, The Black Sheep, ESPN Upstate, and had articles featured on several other sites. I also co-host "The OT with KT" podcast, which is available on iTunes. I love sports. And life, that too. Just a small town kid who's gonna make it big. Just a small town kid who's gonna make it big

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I just found your blog and was wondering if you might be interested in a project I am setting up.

    It's a writing platform called TypeReel (.com) and I think it can simplify the process of sharing work and hopefully increase readership by combining writers of all kinds of genres.

    As you'll see if you check it out, it's free to use and I don't use adverts, I just want to start a bit of a community, full of variety and freshness.

    I’d really like some more sports articles so was wondering if you might have a look around.

    It'd be great if you fancy putting some work on there to see what you think. It’s a very simple process, sign up takes a few seconds then posting an article is just a few clicks.

    There's more info on my idea on the sign up page ( or the about us page ( if you'd like to have a look.

    I hope you have time to check it out and please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions about it.

    All the best,
    Harry, Founder
    Twitter: @TypeReel
